7 Tips to Help You Get A Job

Are you in the middle of your job search and feel frustrated because you are not getting interviews? Have you applied to hundreds of job ads and are not getting results? Then, we will give you a simple guide, in 7 steps, to help you find the job you are looking for.

Reflect: make a list of your strengths and weaknesses.

You need to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. In every interview they usually ask about them, and if you have not thought about what to answer, you may jeopardize your application. They are fundamental components of the CV and the parameter that will decide if you have a chance. You should think in terms of education and experience: What qualities do you have that make you stand out and what should you develop for the position you want to fill?

And, in terms of experience, don’t just include technical aspects, we suggest you include skills such as: versatility, leadership, teamwork or project management. If you have specific knowledge or certifications, detail them: they will attract the attention of recruiters. It is not about applying to every ad. Do not filter only by knowledge, but by what motivates you, what you like to do and what you have the ability to do.

Update or write a good resume

With the aforementioned, it is time for you to put your experience and training that reflects all your potential and makes you stand out in the eyes of companies. It is convenient that you have a preliminary version to adapt it to each company you apply to. It adds a lot that you know about their culture and that you show predisposition to solve their needs.

Maximize your online search with job boards and social networks

The search has moved to social media rather than traditional job boards. Take to LinkedIn, or specific groups on Facebook, or Twitter. Take an active stance, making yourself known, that will make you stand out, instead of sending your CV and waiting for a call. Through social networks you can contact other professionals, ask for recommendations, follow companies (and their publications) and offer yourself.

List potential employers you would like to work with.

Once you have your CV and completed your profile on the networks, you must set out to find your dream job. But it’s not an easy task. You should:

  • Research companies that have posted jobs in the field you are interested in.
  • Look for contacts within those companies (try through LinkedIn) and send them a letter of introduction telling them about your intentions to arrange an interview to make yourself known. Send at least one email a day to increase your chances}.

Develop your networks or “Networking”:

We reiterate: it is not enough to send your CV through job portals. Currently, only 1% of large companies recruit through job portals. This means that you have only 1 chance in 100 to get a job through them. Try, rather, to contact those people who can give you a job. Generate links through social networks, attend events. If you manage to generate 1 contact per day, you will have more chances than if you spend the whole day answering ads.

Personal Branding (or personal brand):

Personal branding makes you stand out, brings value as a professional. It allows you to present yourself as an expert in a certain area, it allows you to differentiate yourself from other candidates for the same position. Branding removes you from the role of supply, so that you become “demand”; that which companies want. One way to develop your personal brand is to start a blog where you can comment on your area of expertise. You can also make videos on YouTube or, as in the previous step, use LinkedIn or Twitter.

Comprehensive job search:

You must bring all previous steps together, in the development of a search plan or system. Your methodology must include:

  • Outstanding CV: the objective is to differentiate yourself.
  • Create contacts: you must improve your internet searches, expand your network of contacts by all means. To find the opportunity, you must create it.
  • Practice: develop a strategy that you can replicate and adapt. Rehearse for job interviews. If you prefer, practice in front of a mirror or videotape yourself. Make phone calls or if you don’t feel up to it, send emails to company HR offering yourself.
  • You are a “product”, position your brand: the CV as a list is obsolete. The key is to highlight what makes you unique to recruiters; your value to contribute. Think and position yourself as a leader rather than a candidate.

You must be able to readapt to market changes by changing your search process. Once you have internalized this process and apply it consistently, you will get the results you want.

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